----------------------------------------------- 366 Photography: April 2008

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Day 40- Corpus Christi Day One


Today's photo comes from my commute to work. I pass this church everyday, it located on the Maryland Institute of Art campus. This morning I was stopped at a red light, and had my camera beside me. The light was great because the sun had just come up.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Day 39- Fallen Blossoms

Fallen Blossoms

I shot this one outside a mall parking garage. There are great photo's everywhere you just have to look.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Day 38-Fort Mchenry Cruise


Rain, rain, rain is the story of the day. Since it was my day off I was hoping to go out and shoot some nice photos. Unfortunately the weather did not cooperate. In the one lull of the day, I lugged myself over to Fort Mchenry. Fort Mchenry is famous for being the sight where Francis Scott Key saw the flag waving, and penned the Star Spangled Banner. History aside it is close by and has nice views of the water. I did not have much time before the rain came back. I snapped this one of a "cruise" through the harbor. They docked just before the torrential rains came.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Day 37-Classy Nike

Nothing like the brightly colored shoes of co-worker to brighten up a
rainy day.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Day 36-14 Pounds of Fury


It is really hard not to post a photo of the pets everyday. Especially when you have 14 pounds of fury with Iris.

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Friday, April 25, 2008

Day 35


Today was the first day of this project I did not want to take a photo. There were a lot of reasons, for this that I will not go into. So today I took a photo of the inside of my lens cap, which is pure black.

Day 34-Boring Train


The original plan for the day was to go hiking. Thanks to the worst bout of allergies I have ever had that did not happen. I snapped this while on a trip to the post office. I did not think this would be the pic of the day but considering I slept for about 12 hours yesterday it was the only one I took.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Day 33-Night Parking

Tonight's photo was taken from the top of a parking garage. I thought I would get a spectacular view, but abandoned parking lots are still cool. 

Tuesday, April 22, 2008


There seems to be a bug while uploading photo's to blogger. I will try again in a little while.

Day 32-Sore Throat

So my throat is hurting like crazy today. This was my attempt at photographing the inside of my mouth. Which turned out to be much harder then I thought.  So this is it, a little graphic but enjoy. 

Day 31

This photo was taken last night. I have just been feeling like crap the last day or so, and did not get to post. I am glad this blog is turning into a collection of my failed photography experiments. This was another try at texture and color. This is a close-up of a pillow a friend of ours brought back from Thailand.

Update:  A slight correction to this post. I was informed that the pillow was actually purchased in Turkey by my wife, and was not a gift from Thailand. 

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Day 30

Nothing gets people whipped up into a frenzy like cheap Swedish made
furniture. Rows and rows of boxes just waiting for some poor soul to
spend hours trying to put them together.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Day 29


Today's photo comes to us from the great city Baltimore. This is a fire hydrant down the street from my house. The out of service sign has been on there for at least a week. Yesterday there was a fire in our neighborhood luckily they did not need this one. Still, I am not filled with confidence.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Day 28

Today is what we call a failed experiment. It was a beautiful day, and then life got in the way. I had high hopes for photo's but they did not materialize. We have "jacuzzi" tub, I thought it would be great to throw some soap in there and get the texture of the bubbles.  This was the result. I could not nail the white balance. Oh well, it 366 days I am to have an off one. 

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Day 27

Loch Raven Drive

Wow! What a beautiful day. Finally it feels like spring. It was so nice out when I left work today that I decided to take a drive through Loch Raven Reservoir. I snapped this photo while driving on Loch Raven drive(Don't try that at home). Tomorrow is supposed to be even nicer, and I am done with work at 4:30. Oh the possibilities!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Day 26

So when trend I have noticed is that I tend to find a theme for a given week without trying. This week it seems to be signs. I found this one from a fruitless trip to Ikea. It is a tribute to my hometown of Lancaster, PA.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Day 25


Has anyone ever seen a more dynamic sign for an emergency call box? Nothing screams fun like a dark parking lot, and the emergency call box. The sign eases my mind and lets me know I am safe each and every day.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Day 25


Today's photo is a tribute to one of life's great pleasures fresh espresso.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Day 24


Tonight's image comes from my delicious Indian dinner. This is a photo of the Chicken Tandoori and Kabob's. Such great color.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

The Three Stages of Whiskey

Since Pablo did not get a good photo today. I am dipping into the archives to find the three stages of whiskey staring Pablo.

DSC_0060 (1)

Whiskey is great.

DSC_0059 (1)

Wanna Fight?

DSC_0065 (2)

Life Sucks!

More of the Pet Photo Shoot


Here is the reclusive Mona


The always up for a photo Zoe


And the dynamic duo

Day 23


I have chosen to go the pet route with today's photo. I started taking pictures of our reclusive cat Mona, because she was actually out in the open today. However it soon divulged into a full on pet photo shoot. This shot is of our dog Iris, looking for attention like she always does.

A Close Second


Here was the photo that was a close second today. It just didn't turn out the way I wanted, but the guy sleeping on the bench is a nice touch.

Day 22


Ah Day 22, another overcast day. I had very little time to shoot today, about 15 minutes on my way to work. This one was taken looking South from the Washington Monument in Baltimore. The reason I chose this one is the depth of field. To me it feels like Charles St goes on forever in the background.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

More Gundpowder


Here are a few more of the photo's from today.

Day 21


What a beautiful day! The sun is shining it is about 70 degrees. I spent the morning hiking in Gunpowder Falls State Park. I took quite a few photo's this one came out almost perfect.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Day 20


There was finally a little sun today. I have taken my camera with me to work everyday this week, just in case I come across a great shot. So of course today I did not. I stopped for beer on my way home, and this was the tree in front of my parking space. Thank you iPhone!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Day 19


I now feel that it has been a week since I last saw the sun. Once I again I have delved into the abstract. This time my bathroom gave me inspiration. Can you guess what it is?

Monday, April 7, 2008



Well today there was more rain here in Baltimore. I like the dark grey sky's but my photo's of late lack any real color. So I decided to make my own. I am the furthest thing from an artist, but I got the brilliant idea of spraying candle wax all over some poster board. I thought we would have a lot more colors in my house. It turned out all we had was different shades of red and yellow. Originally I thought this shot would be about the color, but I think the texture is more interesting.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

More Holga

St. Jerome of Pigtown
North Point Beach

I uploaded more holga shots onto Flickr. I really like the Kodak Porta NC film I am using. The colors are great. The church is right around the corner from my house. It was taken on a dreary day, the perfect light for an eerie church. The shot of the beach was taken at North Point State Park. Shooting with the holga is easy, the challenge is composition.

Day 17

Another rainy dreary day here in Baltimore. Today's photo did not come until the very end of the day. I have to thank my co-worker Nick for the inspiration. This a shot of our work parking lot. A beautiful mosaic telling you what floor your on.

Day 16

Washington Monument

Today is a day of loving film. I took this shot while stopped at a red light on my way to work. It was towards the end of a roll of Holga film so I finished the roll, and dropped it off to get developed before work, and it was done by my lunch break. 

I love the color saturation and grain with film, it is so hard to reproduce with digital. This shot is so nice and clear not to bad for shooting out of my front windshield. 

Friday, April 4, 2008

Day 15

Night photography in Baltimore is an interesting experience.  After walking the dogs tonight I decided to take my camera out. Now to say my neighborhood is a little rough at night is a understatement. 

I took this shot of a night game at Camden Yards about a block from my house. While taking the photo I met an interesting chap named Philip who lives a couple of streets over. This meeting turned out well, however my night photography in inner city Baltimore might be at an end for awhile to many close calls tonight.  Especially if my photos turn out as crappy as this one. 

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Day 14

It rained once again today.  I usually like taking photos in the rain, but it is pouring outside. So I decided to get a shot outside my bedroom window. I just hope my neighbors do not think it is to creepy to see me standing in my window with a telephoto lens. 


I just got my first Holga pics back from the lab. Scanning the negatives suck. I was up to about 1 am last night working on it, and took me half a day today to get half-way decent looking scans. 

The full set can be seen on my flickr page


Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Day 13

Loch Raven Reservoir has always been a special place to me. In the 10 years I lived in the Baltimore area I always find myself returning.  Today I had some time before work, so I ventured to Loch Raven in search of my photo of the day.  Interestingly I shot about 80 photos, and this one was one of the last that I shot. 

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Day 12

Tonight unfortunately is a clique.  Yes that is me being taking my picture in a mirror. I had a really long day at work, and nothing I took on my iPhone really turned out. Being 12 days into this, the biggest challenge is when there is no time to take photos searching my house for something to shoot. I first tried the pets of course but they were uncooperative, so I chose the only subject that would not run away.